Thursday, July 14, 2011

keep away

it seems like anytime i voice my own opinion

try to tell my story

say something from deep in my gut

my face just gets hot and

turns the color of a tomato

like i'm not really sure of my

own opinion or

i'm scared of being shunned or

seen as unintelligent

since my words all come out jumbled and

my mind moves faster than my mouth can

keep up

by the time my mouth opens

the thought has

already past and

i've forgotten what it was

I was trying to say anyway

then my mouth stammers and

hates my brain for

not leaving it more clues as

to where it was going in

such a hurry

i think my mind was

running away from

my mouth

trying to hide before

my mind had a chance to

catch up

like a a cruel game of keep away



my mouth gasps and

gulps for air

ah fuck!

why do you always run from me mind!!!

you've got some good thoughts up in there!

I just want to see them and share a couple that so bad?

Stop hiding everything before it has a chance to surface!

You’ve got good ideas.

Do i have to shake them out of you?


I promise you do.

If you would just show me a couple of them i promise to translate them well...

you just got to give me time to process them


i'm going to be left out there playing charades with the lips

and you know they hate to do that...

somehow they always come out with a mumble or a slur


for gosh sakes!


one of these days i'm going to catch you and

force you to spill everything that you carry around

in those filing folders of yours and

when that happens

i'll take your key and

unlock all the drawers of

all your filling cabinets

then maybe we'd be able to create something around here

We would make great collaborators

you and me

Seriously we could make some

beautiful things together

You just got to trust me and

trust the process


you’re with a good friend

1 comment:

  1. Great writing! Time will slow it down and practice. Pretend you are an actress and every word counts in the script. I learned along time ago to pretend that someone was recording what I had to say because it was going to be published or I was in a movie.LOL Acting makes some things so. It is not a copout or "not genuine",it is just slowing the speech thing down. Just don't use an accent! That is so fake! LOL XOXO
